The magazine Jalmari is the Genealogical Society's digital magazine for members. It is published eleven times a year in the middle of each month except for the summer break. The first Jalmari was published in October 2016. The topics of Jalmari include current issues and themes dealing with the Society and genealogy in general. You can see the contents of previously issued editions of Jalmari here.
Editing and reading
Members of the Society receive notice of Jalmari in the e-mail they have provided. They can read all previously issued editions of Jalmari on SukuHaku. If you are a member of the Society but have not received Jalmari in you e-mail or if your e-mail address has changed, please inform the Society's office at seura@genealogia.fi.
Content suggestions and feedback
Members of the Society and all genealogists can also offer their own content to be published in Jalmari. In addition to individuals, also associations and communities in the field of genealogy are welcome to tell about their activities in Jalmari. Jalmari readers can leave content suggestions or feedback on Jalmari by e-mail at jalmari@genealogia.fi.