Society Membership
Membership types
An individual can become a Permanent Member if they fulfill the requirements for an Annual Member and the board accepts them as a member.
Membership Benefits
The Journal Genos
Membership benefits include a digital copy of the journal Genos which comes out four times a year. The journal can also be had in book format delivered by post to Finland. The paper copy costs a further 5 € and it is paid together with the membership fee annually. For those joining in the middle of the fiscal year, copies of Genos published earlier that year will be posted. Non-members can order the journal too. In 2023 the price for non-members in Finland was 52 € and overseas it was 67 €.Jalmari
Jalmari is the Genealogical Society's digital magazine for the Society's members. It is published in the middle of each month except during the summer break. Jalmari publishes on current events concerning the Society and genealogy. Society members will receive information on Jalmari via the email address they have provided. All published Jalmaris are available on the SukuHaku -service.
The Finnish Heritage Agency's Photo Archive
Atelier Nyblin's glass negative collection from 1877–1922 is a significant Finnish photograph collection. It has c. 120 000 photographs of which only a small part has been digitized. Bishop O. I. Colliander collected 2888 photographs for his book Suomen kirkon paimenmuisto 19:n vuosisadan alusta nykyaikaan (The Church of Finland's Herdaminne from the Start of the 19th Century to Present).
To receive this membership benefit the member places a photograph order in accordance with The Finnish Heritage Agency's normal ordering procedure and in this context declares that they are a member of the Finnish Genealogical Society.
Membership discounts on publications
Members get a 15% discount on non-fiction and historical books published by Karttakeskus with the code B97AVVSL. Enter the code to the space "Discount Code" in the shopping cart to receive the discount. The products are found under the categories "Non-Fiction" and "Historical Maps".
The publisher Reuna gives Society members a 20% discount on autobiographies, biographies and histories with a discount code R00200. Enter the code in the "Discount Coupon" space in the shopping cart.
The Finnish Literature Society, SKS, gives members a 30% discount on normal priced books both in their online store and in the Tiedekirja bookshop in Helsinki. Enter the code SUKUTUTKIJAT in the shopping cart to receive the discount.
The Finnish Hostel Association
Society members also receive the Hosteling International Card at a membership price: the personal hosteling card for 15 € (normal price is 20 €) and international hosteling family card for 29 € (normal price is 34 €). The International card gets at least a 10% discount in HI-hostels in Finland and abroad as well as other travel benefits. One also gets membership to the Finnish Hostel Association and the Hosteling International network for the duration of the card's validity. A hostel card at the membership price can be bought from the Hostel Association's website.
A member who wishes to resign from the Society needs to inform the board in writing, for example by sending an e-mail to the Society's e-mail address. The membership ceases at the end of the calendar year in which the notice of resignation was made. A member is considered to have resigned from the Society if they have not paid their membership fee within 11 months of its due date.