The Genealogical Society of Finland was founded in 1917. It is a scientific genealogical society and is the national organization for genealogy experts and cooperation as well as an educational and memory foundation. The Society's highest decision-making body is the association's meeting and the board is responsible for organizing the Society's activities. The Society publishes an annual plan of action and report.
Member Motions
A member can also suggest a motion for the Society's spring and fall meetings. According to the rules these motions must be sent at least one month before the spring or fall meeting because the board must issue a statement on them. The motion must mention which meeting it is intended for and it is to be sent by e-mail or by traditional mail to the executive director.
The Society's office is happy to take suggestions for development from members. These can be sent to the executive director or other personnel, preferably by e-mail. The office responds to every development idea sent to them.
Society's General Meeting
The Society's highest decision-making body is the general meeting. General meetings are held twice a year in Helsinki, the spring meeting in April and the fall meeting in November.
The general meeting is called by notifying the members of it in the journal Genos at least six weeks before the meeting. A member of the Society can make presentations and suggest motions to the Society's meeting by sending them in writing to the board no later than four weeks before the meeting.
Electoral Commission
During the 2024–2026 term the electoral commission includes Teuvo Ikonen (chairman), Virpi Nissilä, Arja Rantanen and Heikki Vuorimies. Society members can make suggestions to the electoral committee about the Society's chairman and new board members at the address vaalitoimikunta@genealogia.fi.
The Board and its Executive Committee
The association's meeting elects the chairperson for one calendar year at a time. The term of office for other board members is two calendar years and half of its members are due to be replaced every year. The board elects a vice chairperson from their midst for one calendar year at a time. Decision-making in the board is done on the executive commission's proposal. The executive director acts as secretary and presenter.
The Society's board chooses an executive committee for a year at a time and it consists of a chairman, vice-chairman and two other members of the board, as well as the executive director. The executive director acts secretary and presenter.
Executive director and Personnel
In addition the executive director, the Society employs a publicist, web service specialist and customer advisor as well as the corresponding editor-in-chief of the journal Genos. The contact information of the executive director and personnel can be found here.
Committees and Work Groups
The network service committee acts as the expert body guiding the development of the Society's online services. The network service committee consists of Tomi Ahoranta (chairperson), P. T. Kuusiluoma and Ismo Malinen. The Society's network service specialist acts as secretary and presenter.
The Genos editorial board is a body made up of experts in scientific publishing, which advises the corresponding editor-in-chief in questions regarding the publication of the journal Genos. Members of the committee are Tiina Miettinen (chairperson), Magdalena af Hällström, Ulla Koskinen and Veli Pekka Toropainen.
The legal committee handles the legal custodianship of the Society. Members of the committee are Arto Astikainen (chairperson), Jouni Elomaa, Santeri Palviainen, Kari Salo and Roy Sjöblom.
The Teemalauantai work group organizes Theme Saturdays in the spring and autumn, as well as arranges a Swedish language seminar. The working group includes Jukka Partanen (chairperson), Christer Kuvaja, Marketta Kännö, Mervi Lampi, Terhi Nallinmaa-Luoto and Marja Pohjola.
The genetic genealogy work group organizes a theme day on genetic genealogy every year. The work group includes Riikka Piironen (chairperson), Jouni Kakkonen, Jari Lehtinen and Timo Rossi.
The work group for the capital city region organizes local activities in Helsinki and organizes visits to places in the capital city area. The work group includes Kari Salo (chairperson) and Mikko Kuitula.
The SukuForum moderation team ensures that the discussion on the Society's SukuForum takes place in accordance with the rules of the forum. Jouni Kaleva and Juha Vuorela, and the online service specialist (administrator) of the Society, form the moderating team.