Census List Search
The Census List Search is an online service provided by the Society where one can search the contents of indexed census lists, e.g. by searching for personal or geographical names. The service aims to promote and facilitate the use of census lists in genealogical research. Census lists can also be used as an alternate source to church records that have been destroyed. The development of the Census List Search has been supported by Karjalan Kulttuurirahasto, Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse and Föreningen Konstsamfundet.
The first version was implemented as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) i.e. it met the minimum requirements of early users. As an expert and volunteer coordinator of The Census List Search database is Mikko Kuitula. Feedback and ideas for development can be sent to the Society's service coordinator who is in charge of the maintenance and development of the Census List Search. The contact information of members of the Society can be found here.
Until december 2024 The Census List Search has published over 620 000 records from 168 different municipalities. You can find more detailed information about updating the service and indexing the census lists below.
The Census List Search has the following census lists available to search:
- Alahärmä 1915
- Alajärvi 1915
- Alatornio 1915
- Alavieska 1915
- Angelniemi 1915
- Artjärvi 1915
- Askola 1915
- Brändö 1915 *
- Eckerö 1915 *
- Enontekiö 1915
- Finström 1915 *
- Föglö 1915 *
- Geta 1915 *
- Haapajärvi 1915
- Haapavesi 1900 & 1915
- Hailuoto 1915
- Hammarland 1915 *
- Harjavalta 1915
- Haukipudas 1915
- Hirvensalmi 1915
- Humppila 1915
- Hyrynsalmi 1915
- Ii 1915
- Iisalmen kaupunki 1915
- Iisalmi 1915
- Iitti 1915
- Inari 1915
- Isojoki 1915
- Jalasjärvi 1915
- Jokioinen 1915
- Jomala 1915 *
- Jurva 1915
- Juva 1915
- Jääski 1915
- Kajaani 1915
- Kalajoki 1915
- Karinainen 1915
- Karkku 1915
- Karttula 1915
- Karunki 1915
- Kauhajoki 1915
- Keitele 1915
- Kemi 1915
- Kemijärvi 1915
- Kempele 1915
- Kestilä 1915
- Kiiminki 1915
- Kittilä 1915
- Kivennapa 1915
- Kivijärvi 1915
- Kolari 1915
- Konginkangas 1915
- Kristiinankaupunki 1915 *
- Kuhmoniemi 1915 & 1920
- Kuivaniemi 1915
- Kumlinge 1915 *
- Kuolajärvi 1915
- Kuopio 1915
- Kuusamo 1915
- Käkisalmen kaupunki 1915
- Käkisalmi 1915
- Kärkölä 1915
- Kärsämäki 1915
- Kökar 1915 *
- Laihia 1915
- Lapinlahti 1915
- Lappeenranta 1915
- Lapua 1915
- Lavia 1915
- Lehtimäki 1915
- Lemi 1915
- Lemland 1915 *
- Leppävirta 1915
- Liminka 1915
- Lumijoki 1900 & 1915
- Lumparland 1915 *
- Maaninka 1915
- Maarianhamina 1915 *
- Merijärvi 1915
- Metsäpirtti 1915
- Mikkelin kaupunki 1915
- Mouhijärvi 1915
- Muhos 1915
- Muonio 1915
- Muuruvesi 1915
- Nastola 1915
- Nilsiä 1915
- Nivala 1915
- Oulainen 1915
- Oulu 1915
- Oulujoki 1915
- Oulunsalo 1915
- Paavola 1915
- Paltamo 1915
- Parainen 1915
- Parikkala 1915
- Pattijoki 1915
- Perniö 1915
- Petsamo 1921
- Pielavesi 1915
- Pihtiputaa 1915
- Piippola 1915
- Pudasjärvi 1915
- Pulkkila 1915
- Puolanka 1915
- Pyhäjoki 1915
- Pyhäjärvi (Oulun lääni) 1915
- Pyhäjärvi (Viipurin lääni) 1915
- Pyhäntä 1915
- Raahe 1915
- Rantsila 1915
- Rauma 1915
- Rautio 1915
- Rautjärvi 1915
- Rautu 1915
- Reisjärvi 1915
- Revonlahti 1915
- Ristijärvi 1915
- Rovaniemi 1915
- Ruotsinpyhtää 1915 *
- Räisälä 1915
- Sakkola 1915
- Saloinen 1915
- Saltvik 1915 *
- Savitaipale 1900, 1905 & 1920
- Sievi 1915
- Siikajoki 1915
- Simo 1915
- Snappertuna 1915
- Sodankylä 1915
- Soini 1915
- Somerniemi 1915
- Sortavalan kaupunki 1915
- Sotkamo 1915
- Sottunga 1915 *
- Sund 1915 *
- Suodenniemi 1915
- Suomenniemi 1915
- Suomussalmi 1915
- Suonenjoki 1915
- Suoniemi 1915
- Säräisniemi 1915
- Taivalkoski 1915
- Tammela 1915
- Temmes 1915
- Terijoki 1915
- Tervola 1915
- Tornio 1915
- Turtola 1915
- Tuusniemi 1915
- Tyrnävä 1915
- Tyrvää 1915
- Urjala 1915
- Utajärvi 1915
- Utsjoki 1915
- Vammala 1915
- Varkaus 1915
- Varpaisjärvi 1915
- Vesanto 1915
- Vihanti 1915
- Viipurin kaupunki 1915 & 1920
- Virrat 1915
- Vårdö 1915 *
- Ylihärmä 1915
- Ylikiiminki 1915
- Ylitornio 1915
- Ylivieska 1915
- Ypäjä 1915

Inhabitants of the villages of Kyrö and Palojoensuu in Enontekiö in the 1915 census list.
Seach Instructions
The search function of the Census List Search is case-independent, i.e. it does not matter whether the search term is written with an uppercase or lowercase initial. At the beginning and end of the search term you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character which replaces one or more character. So, for example, searching for Huovi* brings up results for Huovila and Huovinen. The search term *nen on the other hand brings back all the surnames ending in -nen. The wildcard character cannot be used when searching for years.
When searching, one needs to remember that first names, patronyms and last names are entered into the Census List Search in the format they were written in in the original sources. Other information, such as place names, are normalized into a modern spelling.
It is possible to search the Census List using more than one search criterion. All search criteria can be found by clicking on the button more search criteria. The button clear deletes all entered search criteria for a new search.
In the search results, all the information about a single person can be opened by clicking on the desired row. Results can be arranged alphabetically or by year in descending or ascending order. By clicking the link in the search result, you can view the digitized page of the census list in the National Archives' Astia service.
Updating Information
Updating the Census List Search is done by voluntary indexing and anyone can participate. The Society looks for volunteers to index the years 1915 census lists of Finnish municipalities.